Collection: Jun Oson
This Japanese artist has become a reference within pop culture in his country and part of Europe. He started his career in 2005 as an illustrator and, recently, he has been bringing his work closer to the visual arts, working with sculpture, vinyl and objects. His work is based on the creation of stateless style characters and silhouettes with great influence from manga and animations that marked him since childhood, as well as references from artists such as James Jarvis and KAWS. The pop culture of the 70s and 80s, centered on cartoons, is an essential base of his humanoids and eclectic creatures. Characters of various skin colors, monsters and robots appear in his imagination which speak sof “diversity”, something that he has always sought to transmit throughout his career.
He has worked for companies such as Honda or the NHK ETV television network, relaunching his positive graphic work, with a strong use of color and a humorous background that connects with the entire public.