Collection: Andrea Btoy
Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes by saying that in Spain there are good and recognized urban artists; they're lying. She is one of the most internationally acclaimed ones, the one invited to the main Street Art festivals held globally who crosses frontiers with a stencil in her hand to make some illegal contact with the walls of many cities.
The Barcelona artist Andrea Michelsson, aka Btoy, uses what could be called “mur trouvé” with its irregular surfaces, with their dregs of pollution and advertising, where doors and bricked-up windows become fitting frames for the expression of her art. Walls and divides, searched for and found become an ideal foundation to spread her work.
Her characters stop and stare at us and make us reflect upon the passing of time. Her work is characterized by intertextuality.
Her portraits, like a strong nostalgic burden, are shook up with strokes full of strength and colour, using palettes of colours which kidnap evocative photographs of black and white. They come to bring back the precepts of postmodernity in her work: eclectic, ephemeral, fruit of the loss of social cohesion.
She has exhibited her work in several cities such as Paris, Milan, Warsaw, Düsseldorf and Jakarta. In London, further to exhibiting in Pictures On Walls, she has participated in diverse live paintings like the Cannes Festival, where she worked with the British artist Banksy.